Vid beställning, notera referensnumret, som står inom parentes.
Anouilh, Jean (1910-1987): PIÈCES BRILLANTES. L'invitation au château / Colombe / La répétition ou l'amour puni / L'école des pères.
Paris: La Table Ronde, 1951. 6e mille. 535, (4) pp. Publisher's printed soft cover. French text.
(#154660) 100:-
Anouilh, Jean (1910-1987): PIÈCES NOIRES. L'hermine / La sauvage / Le voyageur sans bagage / Eurydice.
Paris: La Table Ronde, 1961. Nouveau tirage. 538, (4) pp. Publisher's cloth with mounted colour plate, without the transparent dust jacket. French text.
(#171055) 125:-
Baldensperger, Fernand (1871-1958): ÉTUDES D'HISTOIRE LITTÉRAIRE I-II.
Paris: Hachette, 1907-10. XXV, (1), 222, (1); (4), 216, (1) pp. 2 volumes in nice near contemporary half leather bindings, covers bound in. French text.
(#163462) 750:-
(BALZAC, HONORÉ DE 1799-1850) Bouteron, Marcel: BETTINA ou le Culte de Balzac.
Paris: Éditions Lapina, 1927. 50, (3) pp + 2 black-and-white plates. 14,5x10 cm. Publishers soft cover in dust jacket, in slip case with slightly darkened spine. French text. Balzaciana 2. Limited edition, nr 150.
(#122755) 150:-
Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules (1808-1889): OEUVRES DE J. BARBEY D'AUREVILLY. L'ENSORCELÉE.
Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, (sans date). Frontispice, (2), 336, (1) pp. Contemporary half leather with light faded and decorated spine and top edges gilt. With bookplate on paste-down endpaper. French text.
(#154563) 250:-
Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules (1808-1889): OEUVRES DE J. BARBEY D'AUREVILLY. LES DIABOLIQUES. Les six premières.
Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, (sans date). (8), 468, (1) pp. Contemporary half leather with light faded and decorated spine and top edges gilt. With bookplate on paste-down endpaper. French text.
(#154564) 250:-
Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules (1808-1889): OEUVRES DE J. BARBEY D'AUREVILLY. UNE VIELLE MAITRESSE I-II. Perseverare diabolicum.
Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, (sans date). (4), 280, (3); (4), 375, (4) pp. 2 volumes in contemporary half leather with light faded and decorated spines and top edges gilt. With bookplate on paste-down endpapers. French text.
(#154565) 400:-
Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867): LES FLEURS DU MAL.
Stockholm: The Continental Book Company, 1946. 301 pp + plates. 32x22 cm. Publisher's soft cover with mended and soiled dust jacket. In publisher's a little worn slipcase. Illustrated by Swedish artist Adolf Hallman in black-and-white in text and with 19 colour plates. French text.
(#86950) 200:-
Bellman, Carl Michael (1740-1795): LES EPÎTRES DE FREDMAN.
Vingt-huit épîtres traduites par Nils Afzelius et Pierre Volboudt avec une introduction de Pierre Volboudt. Stockholm: Norstedts, 1953. 500 exemplaires numerotés. 150, (7) pp. Broché avec emboîtage. Illustré de 14 reproductions en hors-texte de lavis et d'aquarelles d'Elias Martin, tirées en 5 couleurs sur papier de Klippan. Texte en français.
(#153) 350:-
Brousson, Jean-Jacques (1878-1958): ANATOLE FRANCE EN PANTOUFLES.
Paris: G. Crès, 1924. 77e mille. (4), II, 378, (1) pp. Nice cloth (Bonniers Bokbinderi, Stockholm), front cover bound in.
(#163478) 100:-
Paris: Hachette, 1905-11. Partly a little various editions. Totaly 2648 pp. 8 volumes in nice near contemporary half leather bindings, covers bound in. French text.
(#163458) 1500:-
Duthuit, Georges (1891-1973) / Masson, André (1896-1987): LE SERPENT DANS LA GALÈRE.
New York: Curt Valentin, 1945. Edition of 500 copies, this one no 435 of 425 ex. sur papier chiffon américain velin. 100, (2) pp + plates. 34x26 cm. Publisher's printed hard cover with cloth spine. Illustrated by André Masson in black-and-white, including 8 full page plates. French text.
(#166300) 750:-
Edited and with a foreword by Ulf Thomas Moberg. Bromma: Cinclus, 1986. 59 pp. Publisher's printed soft cover. Illustrated in black-and-white. Foreword in English, poems in French. Copy as new. Contains facsimiles of Ekelöf's notebooks from 1927-30 with dadaist inspired poems and drawings, written in French. Some of the the poems later appeared in "Sent på jorden" in reworked versions.
(#226) 90:-
Escars, Rosalie de Rancher (1761-1842): MÉMOIRES DE LA MARQUISE DE NADAILLAC DUCHESSE D'ESCARS, suivis des mémoires inédits du duc d'Escars. Publiés par son arrière-petit-fils Le Colonel Marquis de Nadaillac.
Paris: Émile-Paul, 1912. XVIII, 360 pp + title plate. Contemporary half leather with minor wear. With bookplate on paste-down endpaper. French text.
(#168749) 250:-
Faguet, Émile (1847-1916): DIX-NEUVIÈME SIÈCLE. Études littéraires. Chateaubriand - Lamartine - Alfred de Vigny - Victor Hugo - A. de Musset - Th. Gautier - P. Mérimée - Michelet - George Sand - Balzac.
Paris: Lecène et Oudin, no date. Trente-septième édition. XII, 454 pp. Nice quarter leather, covers bound in. Inscription on rear side of free endpaper. French text.
(#163505) 200:-
Faguet, Émile (1847-1916): DIX-SEPTIÈME SIÈCLE. Études littéraires. Descartes - Malebranche - Corneille - Pascal - La Rochefoucauld - La Fontaine - Molière - Racine -Boileau - Madame de Sévigné - Bossuet - Fénelon - La Bruyère - Saint-Simon.
Paris: Lecène et Oudin, no date. Trente-huitième édition. (4), 539 pp. Nice quarter leather, covers bound in. French text.
(#163504) 200:-
Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de: ESTELLE, PASTORALE PAR FLORIAN.
Paris: Ant. Aug. Renouard, 1812. (4), 172, 4, 8 pp. 13,5x9 cm. Contemporary pictorial full leather binding with minor wear. With engraved title plate. Inscription on free endpaper. French text.
(#154006) 400:-
France, Anatole (1844-1924): HISTOIRE COMIQUE.
Paris: Calmann-Lévy, (no date). Soixante-dix-huitième édition. (4), 324 pp. Nice half leather binding with decorated spine (Vald. Rasmussen, Paris), cover bound in. Nobel Prize Winner in Literature 1921.
(#146656) 300:-
France, Anatole (1844-1924): LA RÔTISSERIE DE LA REINE PÉDAUQUE.
Édition revue et corrigée par l'auteur. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1921. Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage dix-huit cents exemplaires sur papier vélin du Marais. (4), 384 pp. Nice half leather with light faded spine and top edges gilt, covers bound in. French text. Nobel Prize Winner in Literature 1921.
(#162787) 500:-
Gavarni (Sulpice-Guillaume Chevallier 1804-1866): OEUVRES CHOISIES DE GAVARNI, revues, corrigées et nouvellement classées par l'auteur. Études de moeurs contemporaines. Avec des notices en tête de chaque série par Théophile Gautier et Laurent-Jan.
Paris: J. Hetzel, 1845-46. Title plate, Title, (4) pp by Théophile Gautier. LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES, 1845. (4) pp. 39 plates / TRADUCTION EN LANGUE VULGAIRE, 1845. (4) pp by Laurent-Jan. 5 plates. / LES LORETTES, 1845. (4) pp by Théophile Gautier. 25 plates / LES ACTRICES, 1846. (4) pp by Un Directeur de Théatre. 11 plates. Table des matières. (2) pp. / FOURBERIES DE FEMMES. En matière de sentiment, 1846. (3) pp by Laurent-Jan. 48 plates. / CLICHY, 1846, (4) pp by Auguste Lireux. 19 plates (including 3 with small tears in outside margins). / PARIS LE SOIR, 1846. (3) pp by Léon Gozlan. 13 plates. / Table des matières. (4) pp. All parts in one contemporary pictorial hard cover with minor wear and decorated leather spine. Text and plates with minor stains.
(#166660) 1500:-
Giraudoux, Jean: L'APPOLON DE BELLAC. Pièce en un acte.
Neuchâtel et Paris: Ides et Calendes, 1946. Edition 5000 numbered copies. 105, (4) pp. Nice hand bound (Bonniers Bokbinderi, Stockholm) with decorated spine and top edges gilt, covers bound in. With bookplate. French text.
(#164823) 450:-
Hugo, Victor (1802-1885): LES MISÉRABLES I-X.
Leipzig: Steinacker, 1862. (2), IV, (4), 316; (8), 340; (4), 316; VIII, 282, (1); (4), 278, (1); VIII, 266; (4), 396; VIII, 362, (1); (4); (4), 324; VIII, 305, (1) pp. Ten volumes bound in slightly worn half leather with gilted spines. All volumes with bookplate of Gustaf Holdo Stråle. Text in French. Complete set. This authorized Leipzig-edition was published the same year as the original edition.
(#166146) 3000:-
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-1695): CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS I-II.
Paris: Jules Tallandier, (1926-27). Nouvelle edition "Les Chefs-d'?uvre de l'esprit". XVI, 186, (1); X, 224, (1) pp + plates. 25,5x17,5 cm. Nice half leather bindings with top edges gilt and light faded spines, covers bound in. Illustrated with black-and-white plates, volume I after Fragonard, and volume II after d'Eisen. French text.
(#145216) 750:-
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-1695): CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS. Tome premier.
Nouvelle Edition, corrigée, augmentée & enrichie de Figures. Amsterdam: No name, 1755. (18), 260. (3) pp + plates. Worn hard cover with faded spine. Illustrated in black-and-white with engraved plates. With foxing and some pages soiled.
(#126566) 400:-
Förord av Michel Ragon. Malmö: GKM Siwert Bergström, 1998. Ny upplaga. 98, (2) s. Inbunden i förlagets dekorerade klotband. Illustrerad i färg och svartvitt av Corneille. Text på svenska, engelska och franska.
(#123698) 150:-
Maurois, André: CLIMATS. Orné de pointes-sèches d'Hermine David.
Paris: Alexis Redier (Librairie de La Revue Française), no date. Edition of 1060 numbered copies (sur vélin), this one no 355. (8), 323, (4) pp + plates. Nice half leather with 4 raised bands & top edges gilt, front cover bound in. Illustrated with black-and-white engraved plates by Hermine David. French text.
(#166441) 500:-
Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592): ESSAIS I-IV.
Paris: Langlois et Gueffier, An IV, 1796, vieux style. Engraved portrait, (2), VIII, 427, (3); (4), 446, (1); (4), 455, (1); (4), 376 pp. 4 volumes in contemporary half leather with decorated spines. Part IV with small damage on lower spine. The free endpaper to volume one is missing and with old inscription and name inscription on the paste-down endpaper, the other three volumes with name inscription and bookplates on the paste-down endpapers.
(#164777) 2000:-
Premières poésies 1829-1832 / Poésies nouvelles / Comédies et proverbes 1-2 / Nouvelles / Contes / La confession d'un enfant du siècle / Mélanges de littérature et de critique. Paris: Charpentier, 1867. 8 volumes in contemporary half cloth with bookplates on paste-down endpapers. French text. Last volume 'OEuvres postumes' is missing.
(#164645) 400:-
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662): PENSÉES 1-2.
Paris: A. Pougin, 1835. Nouvelle édition. 232; 279 pp. 14,5x9,5 cm. Two parts in one volume with slightly soiled vellum with gilted spine. With name inscription on endpaper and titlepage. Some pages with pencil markings in outer margins. Some foxing.
(#126577) 300:-
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin (1804-1869): CAUSERIES DU LUNDI I-XVI.
Paris: Garnier Frères, no date. Ca 8290 pp. 16 volumes in contemporary half leather with gilt decorated spines. French text.
(#163803) 1000:-
Seifert, Jaroslav (1901-1986): SONNETS DE PRAGUE.
À partir du poème tchèque inédit traduction et interprétation de Henry Deluy avec Jean-Pierre Faye (avec nos remerciements pour Mme Ballova dont l'aide fut précieuse). Avon: Change errant / Action poétique, (1980). 23, (1) pp. Edition 500 numbered copies. Loose sheets in printed cover. French text. Nobel Prize Winner in literature 1984.
(#154578) 500:-
Strindberg, August (1849-1912): LE CHEMIN DE DAMAS (TILL DAMASKUS).
Preface et traduction de Alfred Jolivet et Maurice Gravier. Lyon: IAC, 1950. 309, (3) pp. Publisher's printed soft cover with minor wear. Presentation inscription to Swedish author Olle Holmberg from the translaters "Till Prof. Olle Holmberg med vänskap A. Jolivet / M. Gravier".
(#171547) 125:-
Dessins inédits de l'auteur. Introduction d'Edouard Chapuisat. Genève/Paris: Georg/Crès, 1919. Collection Helvétique. Exemplaire numéroté sur vélin d'arches. XXXV, 257, (4) pp + plates. Private quarter cloth, covers bound in. Illustrated with black-and-white plates.
(#154362) 200:-
Villon, François (ca 1431- ca 1463): DAS GROßE TESTAMENT.
Mit 39 Illustrationen von Markus Vallazza. Vollständige zweisprachige Ausgabe, aus dem Französischen übertragen von Walter Widmer, mit einem Nachwort und Anmerkungen von Hermann Karl Weinert. München: Winkler Verlag, 1977. 270, (1) pp. Publisher's cloth in dust jacket. German and French text.
(#94276) 100:-
Stockholm: Strömstare/Cinclus, 2011. Upplaga enligt utgivaren 500 exemplar. 55, (1) s. 26,5x19,5 cm. Inbunden i förlagets tryckta pappband med monterad plansch. Fotoillustrerad i svartvitt samt med en monterad färgplansch. Med ett Appendix "La Table de Circé" av Sébastien Voirol utgiven i Paris 1921. Sex dikter på franska ur samlingens två avdelningar Palimpsestes och La Table de Circé. Dikterna är skrivna som palimpsester och syftar på en underliggande mening. Förlagsnytt exemplar! Voirol är pseudonym för Gustaf Henric Lundquist (1870-1930).
(#99069) 125:-
Voirol, Sébastien (Pseudonym for Gustaf Henric Lundquist 1870-1930): LA TABLE DE CIRCÉ - POÈMES.
Bromma: Cinclus, 2011. Facsimile of original edition from 1921. (2), 112, (2) pp. 19,5x14,5 cm. Publisher's title decorated hard cover. Text in French. Collection of dadaist poetry that was originally published in Paris 1921. Voirol was a Swede who was part of the avantgarde circles in Paris in the 1920's.
(#169189) 90:-
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet 1694-1778): OEUVRES COMPLÉTES DE VOLTAIRE, avec des notes et une notice sur la vie de Voltaire.
Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1843 (MDCCC XLIII). Ca 10350 pp + plates. 26,5x18 cm. 13 volumes in publisher's half leather bindings with decorated spines. Illustrated with black-and-white engraved plates. Volume I, II, VIII & XI with a few red markings in text, otherwise a clean set. All volumes with contemporary inscriptions on free page. French text. Volume I: Vie de Voltaire / Théatre - II: Théatre / La Henriade / La Pucelle / Poésies - III: Essai sur les moeurs / Annales de l'empire - IV: Siècle de Louis XIV / Précis du siècle de Louis XV / Histoire de Charles XII / Histoire de Russie / Histoire du Parlement / Fragments historiques sur l'Inde - V: Mélanges historiques / Politique & législation / Physique - VI: Philosophie / Dialogues - VII: Dictionnaire Philosophique, I - VIII: Dictionnaire Philosophique, II / Romans / Facéties - IX: Mélanges littéraires / Commentaires sur Corneille - X: Correspondance avec le Roi de Prusse, l'impératrice de Russie et d'Alembert - XI: Correspondance Générale, tome premier - XII: Correspondance Générale, tome deuxième - XIII: Correspondance Générale, tome troisième.
(#166946) 3500:-